Hero Upgrade Center

"Heroes from all corners of the SIDUS Metaverse undergo training at the Nidum Station. By unlocking higher ranks, heroes gain access to wealth and opportunities. The main center of this module is unique, its full function is not found on other planets."

Key Features

  • Enables heroes from the Academy and Genesis collections to increase their ranking.

  • The rank signifies the degree of Economic progression, which doesn’t affect combat attributes.

  • As heroes ascend in rank, they receive $SIDUS tokens as rewards from the Sidus Higher Intelligence.

  • Rank upgrades increase the rarity value of the hero's collection and influences the account's overall collection rarity.

  • Future metaverse activities may require a specific hero rank, for instance: when opening a transportation business.

In future iterations, the Hero Upgrade Center will improve combat progression at the Nidum Station for Nidum-associated collections only.

Other collections will have branches of the Hero Upgrade Center on their respective arks (albeit with reduced functionality) and Co-owners of the main module will receive rewards from all these branches.

Resources for Construction

Total Contribution Points (CP): 3,678,667,015.

Coming soon* - a reserved space for 15,000,000 Contribution Points. Stay tuned for updates on specific resource types and quantities.

Return of Contributed Value

  • An NFT heroes’ Economic rank is upgraded exclusively at the central NIDUM Station.

  • 11.355 billion $SIDUS from the Incentives Fund will pass through this module.

  • Combat-level upgrades are exclusive to NIDUM collections. Approximate ‘reward distribution’ model: Branch Ark Co-Owners → Nidum Central Module Co-Owners → Ark Co-Owners → Sidus Gates Co-Owners.

  • Valuable NFT rewards are based on the module investment rating after having completed the resource collection phase.

Let's delve into the valuable NFT content for Co-owners of the Hero Upgrade Center module in more detail:

  1. The Top 25 Contributors will instantly recoup a portion of their investment by receiving unique assets based on their investment rating.

  2. The Top 10 Co-owners will receive 13 unique assets for expanding the number of hero activation slots with a business license (maximum of two uses). This means that users can manage up to 3 businesses simultaneously with the help of this asset. A business license allows the user to offer services to other users in a specific field of activity, thus scaling up their turnover.

  3. The Top 25 Contributors will receive 25 apartments: 1 Legendary, 2 Epic, and 23 Common. This is a unique asset as its function will introduce a new level of user interaction in the metaverse, specifically at the central Nidum Station. There are a total of 500 Legendary, 1,500 Epic and 4,000 Common apartments. Some of the owners have already been determined.

Key features:

  • The better the apartment number, the better and more advantageous its location on Nidum.

  • All apartments are unique in terms of their design, location and layout.

  • Apartments can be furnished however you like and you can invite users to hang out or you may rent out the property within your own domain.

  • Includes unique vesting processes and much more.

  • Apartment numbers will be randomly assigned within a particular range, taking into account those already owned.

We estimate the value of all this content to be $200,000. The actual value will be determined by you so don't rush, wait until demand skyrockets!

Reward Distribution

Token Flow Scheme and Distribution in the Module

Invest in construction to secure prime positions and larger shares. Once a module is ready, all NFT hero owners can use it. Quick action raises a hero’s rank, yielding rewards from the Sidus Higher Intelligence. Module founders also share the rewards!

Additional Information

*Previously mentioned as the "slot expander" asset.

**Access key to apartments, each with their own unique number. The first letter denotes the class of the housing and instead of {Serial №}, there will be a number.

Last updated