Skills and Golden cards

Ability Cards

Abilities are a robot's special skills that allow it to diversify its battle tactics. There are two types of Ability cards - regular and unique. A robot can be equipped with several abilities at the same time.

Golden Ability Cards

Golden Ability cards grant the same abilities as regular Ability cards and have the same rarity levels. You can increase their rarity and level. Being equipped with these cards gives players bonus shards and GCell, which they collect at the end of the battle. The bonus depends on the number of Golden cards in the Combat Deck slots:

  • 1 card: 20% extra shards and GCell.

  • 2 cards: 50% extra shards and GCell.

  • 3 cards: 100% extra shards and GCell.

Regular Abilities

Unique Abilities - X.L.R. GOTH

Unique Abilities - X.M.R. ADAM

Unique Abilities - X.H.R. ARES

Unique Abilities - X.H.R. HADES

Upcoming Abilities

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